Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Science with our buddy class

We had a great time with our Room 10 buddies, making marshmallow catapults. Thanks a lot to Mrs Getty and her class for coming over to share in their learning with us!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Kia Ora Room 23, I really like the way you work together as a team! Next time you could show a photo of what happened after you have finished.

  3. Wow! This looks like fun learning indeed. So great to have Mrs Getty and Room 10 thinking up some delicious experiments!

  4. Kia Ora Room 23, I really like the way you work together as a team! Next time you could show a photo of what happened after you have finished.

  5. nice slingshots room16 washington

  6. That is a delicious science project. Do the catapults work? If I did that I would eat 1 or 2!

  7. Kia ora Room 23 and Room 10,

    Those marshmallow catapults look pretty fun! They are awesome, did you get some marshmallows afterwards? Were you in groups? Your pictures tell me that you were having fun!

    I remember when I made marshmallow catapults at my school, I think I was in Room 5 when I did that, It was fun! I think it would be really cool if next time you put up a video or two so we can see how they catapulted.


  8. Bonjour Room 23
    I like the idea on marshmallow catapults they were really cool and creative and simple to make. I hope they were simple to make. I remember ages ago my class made marshmallow launchers, they were cool but I don’t remember how they worked.

    Next time you could use different things like harder lollies to see if that would work. Also you could make bigger ones and have double launchers, and that will be cool.

    From Jack - Karoro School

  9. Hello Rooms 23 and 10
    I like the cooperation between the two classes. I was wondering if there was a few marshmallows missing afterwards?.

    It would be cool seeing a video of them shooting and trying to shoot marshmallows in to mouths.
    By Kade-Karoro School

  10. From Mitchell.

    Hi Room 23 and Room 10

    Nice catapults Room 23 and Room 10, I liked the idea of them because they involved food. . Next time you could add the instructions so other people can make them to.

    Do the catapults actually work? What are the materials you used? What style of catapult were they?

    Next time you could make catapults out of different Materials and make them fire different objects. Then please tell me the difference.

    From Mitchell. Karoro school
