Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Aranui Rest Home visit

We made our second visit to the lovely people at Aranui Rest Home on Tuesday, and had a great time. It was fantastic to see some familiar faces again, and once again our students represented themselves, their families and our school with pride. They were all respectful and positive around their Aranui friends. Before we left, we sang our school waiata and Ms Kirk sang two beautiful songs - Pokarekare Ana and Ave Maria. We think the people of Aranui enjoyed themselves!


  1. Fantastic photos Room 23, looks like you had a great visit and the people at the rest home were very happy to see you.

  2. This looked like a really good idea and fun

  3. Hi Owairaka District School
    It looks like you did a great deed
    Did you have a lot of fun?
    Comment From Steven :)
